Brudtäcke från Färs

6 210,00 kr

Size: 130 x 170 cm
The price is for materials.


This coverlet is a masterpiece, rich in variation in the pattern drawing, the confident composition, and the skilled craftsmanship. The surface is nearly covered with embroidery. If there was money, time, and ability, one or more of these coverlets would be included in the bride’s dowry. This coverlet from Färs, marked SPD 1820, features details typical for the area: specific patterns, horses, deer, stars, and oak leaves. There are a number of åkdynor and jynnen with the same figures. The fabric is dark brown. The original can be found at Kulturen in Lund.

Embroidered using one-sided satin stitch, long and short stitch, stem stitch, and French knots.Embroidered with one-sided satin stitch, long and short stitch, stem stitch, and French knots.

The materials package contains: pre-drawn wool fabric, wool yarn, a paper pattern, a color image, stitch descriptions, and a needle.

Additional information

Weight 2000 g